Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito bietet ein Stipendium an


The Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito is accepting applications from exchange students for the first semester of 2019 (January-May).

This applies for students, professors, and researchers to explore the mobility programs that we offer. 

Applications will be accepted until October 25 2019 and should be submitted directly at the link below:

Keep in mind that professors and students cannot complete a research project with no Spanish abilites, however, for the exchange programs a minimum level of B1 is required. 

The Escuela strongly values the generation of inter- nstitutional ties and colaboration that stregthen the quality of education and research among other academic activities. For this reason, a pre- existing institutional agreement is not necessary to participate in a mobility program.

Tuition Cost
If a student applies from a university that already has an existing agreement of cooperation with the Escuela, the cost will be determined according to the agreement. In the case that there is no pre-existing agreement, the Escuela will determine the cost.

Flyers "Mobility Guide"

Flyer englisch

Flyer spanisch

Quelle: Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito