Brazilian Research Capacities in Health and Biodiversity - Opportunities for Brazilian European Cooperation

<h2>Infoday in Bonn, 24th of May 2012</h2>


<p>APORTA is a project funded under the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme dedicated at strengthening cooperation between Brazilian and European researchers. APORTA especially aims to promote opportunities available to European researchers in Brazilian funding programmes.</p>

<p>The APORTA infoday is targeted at German and international researchers in the areas of Biodiversity, Agriculture and Health who wish to learn about opportunities for European-Brazilian cooperation in these areas. We are delighted that high level Brazilian experts have agreed to speak at our event. Researchers will have the opportunity to meet them and obtain a greater understanding of Brazil's research capacities and priorities as well as existing EU-Brazilian cooperation activities. All presentations will be given in English.</p>

<p>We hope you will be able to attend this informative and enjoyable event, which is free of charge. Places are limited so if you would like to attend please confirm your attendance as soon as possible, no later than May 20th, 2012, by sending an email to <a href=""></a></p>

<p>Please feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues who are possibly interested in participation</p>


<p><a href="t3://file?uid=655" target="_blank" title="Agenda Infoday Brazil">Agenda Infoday Brazil (pdf)</a></p>


<p>To find out more about APORTA, please visit <a href="" title="APORTA (externer Link)"></a></p>