Joint Research Workshop about Mobility

The Institute of Automotive Technology of the Technische Universität München (TUM) and the Institute of Electronic Systems Engineering of the Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) organize a workshop for Postdoctorial fellows on the topic of mobility.

This workshop will take place in Munich in November 2016 and in Sao Paulo in September 2017.

The workshop is meant to identify possibilities in research in the field of mobility and automotive technology in Bavaria as well as in Brazil. Experts will meet to improve the bonds between different departments and find chances on common projects.

All participants join the two workshops, one in Munich and one in Sao Paulo. The programm includes technical discussions, presentations of common research projects as well as networking and the chance to discover the closer environment of both workshop locations.

Who can apply for this Workshop?

  • Postdoctorial fellows from higher education or research institutions of the Free State of Bavaria
  • The PhD must have been obtained less than 10 years before the start of the workshop
  • Participants need a sufficient English level

How to apply?
Please send a short abstract of your research work (half a page), including 2 to 3 sentences about
your motivation to join the workshop and your CV till 18th October 2016 to the following address:


For more information and how to apply see the pdf.
