Einladung der Universidad de Antioquia zum II. Internationalen Kongress: "Universität and Vulnerable Gruppen" in Medellín

Dear colleagues,
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and Universidad de Antioquia invite you to the II International Congress "Universidad y Colectivos Vulnerables (University and Vulnerable Groups)", which aims to present the main results of the Regional Observatory for the Quality of Equity in Higher Education ORACLE (for its initials in Spanish), as well as to give continuity to the themes developed in the first edition in 2014.
Likewise, it seeks to share experiences about inclusion in higher education, contrast results of projects with similar themes, analyze equity in higher education institutions, and discuss strategies, actions, programs and good practices in the promotion of equity, among other matters.
The Congress will be held in Medellin (Colombia) at the University Research Headquarters of Universidad de Antioquia (SIU for its initials in Spanish) on September 5th and 6th, 2019, and the thematic lines on which contributions can be presented are: (1) promotion of the quality of equity in higher education; (2) higher education, equity, vulnerability and inclusive education; (3) access and progress of vulnerable groups in the university; (4) strategies, actions, programs and policies that favor equity in higher education institutions; and (5) good practices and successful experiences for the promotion of the quality of equity in higher education.
Abstract submission deadline: The deadline for submitting contributions is open right now, in the form of posters and communication, until May 1st, 2019.
Get all the information in the following link: http://bit.ly/2Cgfcms
We thank you for helping us by spreading the information with members of your university community, including teachers, researchers, and students who may be interested in the theme of the Congress. The event will be held in Spanish, so it is of great importance that those interested in attending or participating are familiar with this language.
If you have any questions don´t hesitate to write us to the e-mail oraclecongreso@udea.edu.co
Thank you,
We look forward to your comments.